DBHS Homepage Welcome

  • Douglas Byrd High School, named after the late F. D. Byrd who served as the superintendent of the Cumberland County Schools, is a comprehensive high school.

    Douglas Byrd High School has a rich history of excellence rooted in innovation and high expectations. In addition to providing a comprehensive curricular program, we offer specialized academies, which include the Finance Academy and the Academy of Green Technology. Instructional leaders place high expectations of all students and teachers while focusing on learning and teaching. There is also a focus on the school climate to ensure school safety. Community support and parent involvement in our school is welcome.

    Our principal, administrative team, faculty and staff, continue to make Douglas Byrd a great place where people want to be.

    Phone: 910-484-8121
    Fax: 910-323-4127

    Bell Times: 8:30 a.m. – 3:40 p.m.




DBHS Homepage Headline News

  •  Student in virtual class

    Chromebook Distribution

    Student chromebook distribution is underway! Students can check out a chromebook and charger from the media center to use throughout the school year if they have a signed CCS Technology contract, and do not have any outstanding technology fines from previous years. Please contact the DBHS Media Center if you have any questions. 

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  •  bus on the curb

    Here Comes the Bus App

    Cumberland County Schools continues to use the Here Comes the Bus® app. This innovative app allows parents and students to track the location of their bus. Click Here for more information!

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