Public Comments

  • The Cumberland County Board of Education welcomes comments from the public and provides numerous opportunities for citizens to voice their opinions on issues affecting public education. 

    The meeting will be conducted in-person with board members participating in person. The meeting will be open to the public via live-streaming available at, and there will also be capacity-limited seating available to members of the public.

    A public comment session is held during each scheduled Board meeting. Public Comments may be submitted to from 12:00 p.m. until 5:30 p.m. the day of the meeting. No walk-up sign-ups will be allowed – citizens must be present to make comments during the Board meeting.

    Note: By submitting a request to share public comments, acknowledgment and agreement are made by the submitter to abide by the rules set forth in Policy 2310 and Regulation 2310-R.

    Citizens may share their public comments in person only. Each comment is limited to 3 minutes with a total of 30 minutes set aside for public comments. Speakers will be allowed to share their comments for 3 minutes or less and then must exit the building unless seating for members of the public is available.
    Concerns related to individual personnel or students should be directed to the appropriate administrative staff and should not be shared during the Public Comment Period. Please feel free to contact any appropriate administrative official in this regard. To learn more about Public Comment Guidelines, visit

    To confirm meeting dates and times, please call 678-2300.    

    Documents, attachments, and presentations to be considered or received by the Board of Education will be available for review by the public at the BoardDocs site, which may be accessed through a link appearing on the Cumberland County Schools homepage under BOARD OF EDUCATION (BOE), at