
Operations Homepage Image
  • Working Together to Promote Learning
    The goal of Operations is to provide a clean, safe, supportive environment for the staff and students of Cumberland County Schools. In doing so, it is the intent of this department to ensure that our facilities are efficiently operated, well maintained, and adequately supplied. This department is a division of Auxiliary Services.

    Go Green Initiative
    In the spring of 2009, Sustainable Sandhills partnered with the Cumberland County Schools to begin certifying our schools as “Green Schools”. Sustainable Sandhills is a local non-profit, dedicated to making the communities of the Sandhills region sustainable for current and future generations. Today, there are forty certified “Green Schools” and two certified central services buildings. Our Board of Education endorses this program, and encourages schools to seek “Green” certification through Sustainable Sandhills. Call Gloria Lengel, at 678-7046, for additional information, or go to http://gogreen.ccs.k12.nc.us/ for a wealth of information about environmental education, sustainable living, continuing education, and grant opportunities.

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Contact Us

  • Operations
    810 Gillespie Street
    Fayetteville, NC 28306
    Phone: 910-678-2609
    Fax: 910-758-2578

    Donna Fields
    Executive Director of Operations