Student Resources
Our Mission Statement
Rockfish Elementary School is committed to providing a quality education for all students by providing a safe atmosphere in which children feel secure, loved and challenged.
Lunch Menu and Choices
Visit the Interactive Monthly Menu to see the monthly menus.
Tiger Tales
Come check out what is happening at Rockfish. Read the latest issue of our Tiger Tales NewsLetter.
Welcome to Rockfish Elementary Media Center
Home of the Little Tigers
Katrina Finch, School Library Media Coordinator
Jaqi Chisholm, Media Clerk
Megan Didway, Part-Time Media Clerk
Media Resources Links
Visit Destiny Library Catalog to search the online catalog of our school library media center.
Kid Links
The following Websites will provide students with interesting, educational information and activites.
Visit this link to our Helpful Links for Kids page.
Visit this link for Earthquake Safety Activities (PDF).
Visit this link for Youth Emergency Preparedness Curriculum: Ready Kids.