SFCMS, as a school of choice, does not have an athletic program like those at other area schools. Instead, we focus on a rich roster of academically competitive teams and clubs. It is the goal at SFCMS that every student has at least one extra-curricular activity in which they can participate.
Collectively, our academic teams participate in the North Carolina Association for Scholastic Activities (NCASA).
Students do participate in athletic activities as part of the general curriculum and in special events like those listed below.
Health/PE Curriculum
Health and Physical Education (PE) is offered as a semester course for all sixth, seventh, and eighth graders at SFCMS, and the students alternate weekly between Health and PE. The complete three-year program enables our students to gain knowledge and skills about age-appropriate healthy-living topics relevant to their lives. The Health curriculum targets issues that affect students’ immediate and long-term health while focusing on a balance of physical, mental-emotional, and social well-being while providing students with the knowledge and skills necessary to confront issues and make a smooth transition from puberty to adolescence. The PE curriculum is designed to engage students in physical activities that demonstrate relevant scientific knowledge and is centered around the health-related components of cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular strength and endurance, and flexibility. The activities target health benefits, with the goal being for each student to develop a commitment to regular exercise and physical activity.
Annual Classical Basketball Challenge
Each March, Seventy-First Classical Middle School and Reid Ross Classical Middle School compete in the Annual Basketball Challenge. Interested student-athletes must try out for the team, and those that are selected practice for the month leading up to game day. Trophies are awarded to the winning girls’ and boys’ basketball teams. In addition, each team has a pep squad that leads their respective spectators in cheering their team to victory.
Annual Classical Olympiad
One of the end-of-the-year activities that are most eagerly anticipated is the SFCMS Classical Olympiad. The school’s best athletes qualify throughout the year to compete in the following competitions: Curl Ups (60 sec), Standing Long Jump (ft, in), Shuttle Run, 50 Meter Dash, 200 Meter Dash, 800 Meter Dash. The entire student body attends the Olympiad as spectators, and medals are awarded to the first, second, and third-place rankings in all events.