Strategic Plan 2024 - Exceptional Environment: Approved Reassignment Plans
CCS Student Reassignment Target Areas
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- Proposed Preliminary Reassignment Target Areas Impacting Ireland Drive and Douglas Byrd Middle Schools
- Proposed Preliminary Reassignment Target Areas Impacting Lillian Black, W.T. Brown and Manchester
- Proposed Preliminary Reassignment Target Areas Impacting T.C. Berrien, Lucile Souders, Ferguson-Easley, Glendale Acres, Ashley, Walker-Spivey, Alma Easom, Vanstory, Nick Jeralds, Max Abbott
Student Reassignment News and Updates
NEWS RELEASE: Cumberland County Schools to Gather Community Input Regarding Proposed Preliminary Student Reassignment Target Areas
The district has scheduled public forum sessions this month to gather input from the public.

In alignment with the district’s Strategic Plan 2024 and the third strategic priority, Exceptional Environment, the Cumberland County Board of Education approved three student reassignment plans at the regular Board meeting on March 8, 2022. The plans were approved after district leaders gathered input from families, staff and community stakeholders over several months and discussed various options with the Board. In approving the plans, multiple factors were considered, such as campus proximity, facility utilization and diversity.
The following Board-approved student reassignment plans will go into effect at the beginning of the 2022-2023 school year:
STUDENT REASSIGNMENT PLAN - Impacting: Douglas Byrd Middle School and Ireland Drive Middle School
The Ireland Drive Middle School facility will become part of the neighboring Douglas Byrd Middle School facility, and Ireland Drive Middle students will be reassigned to Douglas Byrd Middle, beginning in fall 2022.
Currently, 284 students in grades 6-8 attend Ireland Drive Middle School.
District officials and the Board will now begin the official school closure procedures as required by state law to consider the closure of Ireland Drive Middle School at the end of the 2021-2022 school year.
STUDENT REASSIGNMENT PLAN - Impacting: T.C. Berrien Elementary School, Lucile Souders Elementary School and Ferguson-Easley Elementary School
Beginning in fall 2022, T.C. Berrien Elementary School students will be assigned between Lucile Souders Elementary School and Ferguson-Easley Elementary School.
The Board officially approved the closure of T.C. Berrien Elementary School at the end of the 2021-2022 school year.
Currently, 178 students in grades K-5 attend T.C. Berrien Elementary School, which is temporarily housed on the campus of W.T. Brown Elementary School. The original T.C. Berrien building was built in 1951. Since that time, there were four additions in 1957, 1965, 1975, and 2000.
STUDENT REASSIGNMENT PLAN - Impacting: Lillian Black Elementary School, Manchester Elementary School and W.T. Brown Elementary School
Beginning in August 2022, all Lillian Black Elementary School students and 78 students attending Manchester Elementary School (southernmost portion) will be reassigned to W.T. Brown Elementary School.
Currently, 175 students in grades K-5 attend Lillian Black Elementary School, which is nestled in the heart of Spring Lake, NC. Lillian Black Elementary was built in five increments in 1938, 1941, 1951, 1959, and 1960.
District officials and the Board will now begin the official school closure procedures as required by state law to consider the closure of Lillian Black Elementary School at the end of the 2021-2022 school year.
In making the decision to reassign T.C. Berrien and Lillian Black students to other schools, district officials noted that the buildings do not meet current academic program standards. Both T.C. Berrien and Lillian Black elementary schools have facility deficiencies in the site, equipment, interior finishes, electrical, HVAC, building exterior, and roofing.
Contact Us
Auxiliary Services
810 Gillespie Street
Fayetteville, NC 28306
Phone: 910-678-2305Joe Desormeaux
Associate SuperintendentH. Mark Whitley
Director of Operations & Planning
Where can I find a copy of the student reassignment Board meeting presentation?
Posted by:The presentation document is available for review on the BoardDocs site.
Where can I watch the full Jan. 4 Committee Presentation?
Posted by:The recorded committee meeting is available to the public on the district's YouTube channel.