Our Administrative Team



Degrees and Certifications:

Christin Etchison

Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! Our theme is Soaring to New Heights... The sky is not our limit!  When students arrive at campus, they will see this theme communicated on bulletin boards, in their classrooms, and throughout the year in various activities. We are excited to see how far we will rise in our behavior, academic achievement, and attitudes toward learning. 

Our goals for this year are to provide effective instructional leadership, a safe and orderly environment, and high expectations for all students.   Luther Nick Jeralds Middle School staff are committed to your child’s success. We encourage students to take responsibility for their learning, be respectful at all times, and have the mindset that they can be successful. 



 Christin Etchison, Principal 

Luther Nick Jeralds Middle School



Assistant Principal



Degrees and Certifications:

Jerome Lindo

Jerome Lindo, Assistant Principal

6th Grade Seahawks & 7th Grade, Testing/Buses

Assistant Principal



Degrees and Certifications:

Stephanie Kelly

Stephanie Kelly, Assistant Principal

6th Grade Raptors & 8th Grade, Athletic Director