Parent Teacher Organization

PTA Officers

  • 1.
    • President
    • Jacquelyn Washington-Brown
  • 2.
    • Vice-President
    • vacant
  • 3.
    • Secretary
    • vacant
  • 4.
    • Treasurer
    • vacant

About the PTA

  • PTA Mission:

    Every Child. One Voice.  The PTA's mission is to make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children. 


    PTA Vision:

    Making every child’s potential a reality.


    PTA Values:

    1. Collaboration: We will work in partnership with a wide array of individuals and organizations to broaden and enhance our ability to serve and advocate for all children and families.
    2. Commitment: We are dedicated to children’s educational success, health, and well-being through strong family and community engagement,..
    3. Diversity: We acknowledge the potential of everyone without regard, including but not limited to: age, culture, economic status, educational background, ethnicity, gender etc
    4. Respect: We value the individual contributions of members, employees, volunteers, and partners as we work collaboratively to achieve our association’s goals.
    5. Accountability: All members, employees, volunteers, and partners have a shared responsibility to align their efforts towards the goals of the school.


    Purposes of the PTA:

    1. The purpose of the PTA is promoted through advocacy and education when collaborating with parents, families, teachers,students and the public.  Collaboration efforts are developed through monthly meetings, school committees, projects and programs.
    2. To build relationships between families, community and school.
    3. To make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.


  • Why should I join the PTO?

    • Parental involvement is an essential component of school success and positive student outcomes,
    • Opportunity to become more knowledgeable in school operations,
    • Utilization of parents' talents/skills to help where needed in the school,
    • Assist in fundraising projects,
    • It is a resource for families and the community.


    How much does it cost to join?

    The annual dues are $7.00.


    When does the Lewis Chapel PTO Meet?

    The PTA meets once a month on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 6:30pm in the School Media Center.


    2023-2024 Meeting Dates:

    • November 21, 2023
    • December - NO MEETING
    • January 16, 2024
    • February - NO MEETING
    • March 19, 2024
    • April 16, 2024
    • May 21, 2024