School Profile

  • Grades 9-12

    Traditional 10-Month Calendar

    Choice Program: Academy of Integrated  Systems Technology and Applied Engineering


    Phone: 910-429-2800
    Fax: 910-429-2810

    Jack Britt High School is housed in a modern, state-of-the-art facility that has won several national awards for its design. With an established reputation as one of the premier schools in North Carolina, this high school has been recognized as an Honor School of Excellence.

    Our athletic program is equal in quality to our academic program. 

    Students who wish to be involved in extracurricular activities have their choice of over twenty-six different clubs. The band is not only a part of the regular academic curriculum but also offers students opportunities to participate in our marching band.  The Science Olympiad Team is always a tough team to beat and finishes high in regional competitions, and the Yearbook has won several national awards.

    We maintain close ties with the community and we enjoy active partnerships with many businesses. 

    Our staff is highly qualified and highly motivated with high expectations for students and themselves. They believe learning should be challenging, exciting, and life-long and should take place in an environment that is clean, safe, and attractive.

    Students achieve academically at Jack Britt High School. Regardless of their post-secondary plans, we offer the courses they need to excel. From Advanced Placement to hands-on career exploration, our teachers are able to guide students as they prepare for academic and career challenges in the twenty-first century. In addition to a broad, comprehensive curriculum, we offer The Academy of Integrated Technology. This very specialized curriculum is designed for those students planning to focus on engineering as a career objective.