School Profile

  • Grades 2-5

    Traditional 10 – Month Calendar


    Phone: 910-483-3886
    Fax: 910-483-0519

    Welcome to Stedman Elementary School! I am extremely proud to be the principal of Stedman Elementary. It is a fantastic place for all children to learn. We have dedicated staff who create positive, meaningful, and active learning environments for all of our students. We are committed to our goal of guiding children in the development of knowledge, skills, and attitudes while maximizing their potential.

    We are proud of our students and staff for all of their hard work and continue to strive for excellence in education.

    Our school mission statement is:

    Students – Parents – Faculty – Staff
    Working together as a whole
    100% is our goal
    Learning with love, laughter, and fun
    High expectations for everyone

    We believe that parents are our partners in the education of our children. Cooperation and communication between the school and home play a major role in your child’s success. We desire your support and involvement as we work together to provide a caring, safe environment where our students experience academic success.

    The Stedman Elementary family is committed to providing the very best educational opportunities for all of our students. Our door is always open if you have any questions or concerns. Please feel free to call, e-mail, or stop by and visit.