School Profile
Grades 9 – 12
Traditional 10 – Month Calendar
Choice Program: Global Studies Academy
Phone: 910-484-1151
Fax: 910-484-7203
Global, multi-cultural, diverse, and academic: these adjectives richly describe Terry Sanford and what it offers to students who attend the historically, oldest high school in Cumberland County. One has only to walk down the halls, peek into a classroom or the cafeteria, attend a club meeting or sports event, or watch the Student Government in action to witness the diversity that is Terry Sanford HS. Students from virtually every socioeconomic and/or ethnic background call “Bulldog Country” home every day from 8:00 a.m. -3:30 p.m. and beyond.
Inclusion and academic rigor serve as the springboards for the curriculum. First, the School of Global Studies offers a rigorous, liberal arts college preparatory education. Its mission is to promote academic excellence, global awareness, and cultural and social growth. These goals are accomplished through volunteer service, class trips, an autumn reception, a spring dinner, senior projects, and senior lunches. Additionally, a symposium each year focuses on a global issue and its current and potential effect on the world. Anyone who meets the requirements can be a part of the Global Studies program. The Global Studies program is also open to a limited number of students who live out of the district.
Every student is counseled and encouraged to take a course load that challenges their capabilities and moves them toward a clearly defined goal. Fourteen Advanced Placement courses enhance the opportunity for such academic challenge and growth. Coupled with honors-level classes in every discipline, our curriculum affords all students the chance to receive a diploma and pursue an education beyond high school.
Terry Sanford HS maintains high standards due to the tireless efforts of an equally diverse and multi-cultural faculty, staff, and parent organization. Numerous untold “after school” hours spent in coaching, mentoring, tutoring, learning, and lesson preparation has put our school at the forefront of not only the Cumberland County school system but also the public school system of North Carolina.
Terry Sanford has something GREAT to offer every single person who walks through her doors each day.