Community Engagement Opportunities
In The Cumberland Commitment: Strategic Plan 2026, the Cumberland County Schools (CCS) identified four strategic priorities that when implemented, will help all students.
Priority number four is Committed Community. The goal is to collectively engage schools, parents and the community in building student success. CCS has numerous ways that YOU can be involved and help build student success.There is a separate volunteer application for non-faculty coaches. If you're interested in coaching, reach out to the athletic director at the school you wish to pursue.
Have you ever thought of being a mentor or volunteer?
As a mentor, YOU can offer:- Help with School
- Career Guidance
- A Listening Ear
- Help Setting Goals
- Emotional Support
- Encouragement
As a volunteer, YOU can offer:- Lunch Buddy
- Reading Buddy
- Media Helper
- Classroom Helper
- Test Proctor
- School Watch Angel
Are you a part of a local business or church? We encourage business and faith-based partnerships. Make a difference! Adopt a school, sponsor a club or an afterschool activity.
We encourage you to get involved. The children of today are the leaders of tomorrow. Do your part to encourage them and help them meet their goals.
To find out more about CCS Community Engagement Opportunities, call 910-678-2303.
Note: Any North Carolina adult who knows or should have reasonably known that a juvenile has been or is the victim of a violent offense, any type of sexual offense, or misdemeanor child abuse must report that information to law enforcement. Failure to report is a criminal offense, and the law provides civil and criminal immunity for reports which are made in good faith. No relationship is required between the juvenile victim and the perpetrator in order to trigger the duty to report.

Contact Us
Communications &
Community Engagement2465 Gillespie Street
Fayetteville, NC 28306
Phone: 910-678-2303
Fax: 910-678-2619
Lindsay Whitley, Ed.D.
Associate Superintendent